T.I.P. Barrel Racing Championships @ the Thoroughbred Makeover
October 12-13, 2022
Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, KY
All information has been moved to the Information tab with the other Championships and additional information will be available later this spring

Open to qualified T.I.P.-registerd Thoroughbreds. All Makeover-entered barrel horses eligible.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I qualify my Thoroughbred for the Championships if I have not participated in T.I.P. programs before?
- Yes! While we hope that you will choose to participate in T.I.P. programs in the future, you can qualify for the 2022 T.I.P. Barrel Racing Championships if you have been competing your Thoroughbred in barrel racing in the past year (Aug.1, 2021 to July 31, 2022) through what we call a Hardship Request.
- To qualify a horse must be a Thoroughbred and must have a T.I.P. Number. A “Thoroughbred” is a Thoroughbred that has been registered with The Jockey Club or a foreign Thoroughbred stud book recognized by The Jockey Club. Get a T.I.P. Number (free) at tjctip.com/APPLYTIPNUMBER.
- To qualify through a Hardship Request you must:
- Compete your Thoroughbred with a qualified time at a MINIMUM of two barrel races during the Championship year (August 1, 2021 – July 31, 2022).
- Fill out the Hardship Declaration Form and submit your horse's competition record with your form.
- Mail the form and supporting information to T.I.P. so that it is received by July 31, 2022.
- You will be notified if your hardship qualification has been accepted prior to the close of entries. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
- By the way, if your horse is entered in the 2022 Thoroughbred Makeover, your horse is already qualified - no hardship request needed!
- What steps are required to participate in the T.I.P. Barrel Racing Championships?
- #1 – Qualify: Participate in a barrel race with T.I.P. awards during the Championship year, be entered in barrel racing at the 2022 Thoroughbred Makeover or have participated in the 2021 Performance Awards in barrel racing. Or qualify via a hardship request (see previous question!)
- To qualify a horse must be a Thoroughbred and must have a T.I.P. Number. A “Thoroughbred” is a Thoroughbred that has been registered with The Jockey Club or a foreign Thoroughbred stud book recognized by The Jockey Club. Get a T.I.P. Number (free) at tjctip.com/APPLYTIPNUMBER.
- #2 – Declare: Fill out the Declaration Form or Hardshp Request Form (link above)
- #3 – Enter
- Does my horse have to be entered in the Thoroughbred Makeover to participate in T.I.P. Championships?
- No. All Makeover-entered barrel racing horses are eligible.